Navigating new horizons through TRAIL

My name is Lindsay Davies, proud Kooma man living on Kombumerri Country and TRAIL Emerging Leaders Program (C16) Graduate through the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation scholarship. I wanted to be apart of the TRAIL program because I wanted to push my leadership skills further and learn in an immersive environment that would challenge me in ways I would never have experienced.

When I first arrived at TRAIL I was nervous yet excited, keen to meet the cohort and sink our teeth into the program. Upon meeting the cohort everyone seemed nice and friendly, I don’t think I was aware of exactly how close we all would become over the next seven days.

C16 TRAIL particpants out on program during their week long intensive leaership workshop

What was the most challenging part of the program?

The most challenging parts of the program was the internal reflection on my own life, values, and leadership practice. We often turn the mirror on ourselves but never to this extent, breaking down exactly what makes us tick and the possible areas that might not. This was a really eye opening practice and one I will continue to use throughout my leadership journey.

What surprised you the most during the program?

The connections and network of support built along the way. Going into the week I knew I would meet some life changing people, little did I know that everyone person would have a profound impact in one way shape or form.

How do you feel about yourself as a leader after finishing the program?

I feel as though I am ready and able to enact the change I want to see in my life, and my community. I embrace the journey towards the destination and seek to actively empower those around me. Leadership is not the one person leading the charge, it’s the action of empowering other to see their full potential.


What will you take away from the program and practice in everyday life?

Everything. From the reflection, to the practical frameworks and strategies, to the friends and family formed. TRAIL was a deadly experience from start to finish and beyond.


This program will push you further than you’ll ever expect whilst building the environment to safely explore your leadership practice and personal journey. If you are ready to take those first big steps towards accelerating your leadership potential, registrations for TRAIL 2025 are now open.

Lindsay Davies at the TRAIL graduation event alongside ARLF staff members.
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