Mentorship at the heart of leadership

Australian Rural Leadership Foundation Limited (ACN 056 874 787) (ARLF, we, us) recognise that your personal and sensitive information is important to you and that you are concerned with its collection, use, and disclosure. We have in place policies to comply with the Australian Privacy Principles as set out in the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) which sets clear standards regarding these activities.

Generally, you can deal with ARLF without identifying yourself. In certain circumstances however, you will be required to provide personal and sensitive information where it would be impractical to deal with you anonymously. These circumstances include where you have applied for employment with ARLF, enrol in one of our programs, request a service, utilise our products or services, or where we are required by Australian law to collect such personal information.

ARLF collects your information to enable us to:

(a) facilitate the provision of ARLF’s programs;

(b) facilitate payments;

(c) measure the impact of ARLF leadership development and its contribution to community and industry;

(d) facilitate networking opportunities for program alumni and participants;

(e) facilitate engagement opportunities for alumni to be involved in ARLF activity; and programs

(f) distribute membership notices, and regular newsletter subscriptions

(together all of the above Services).

You do not have a legal obligation to provide any personal information to ARLF. However, the consequences if all or some of the personal and sensitive information is not collected by ARLF include, but are not limited to:

(a) being unable to use any of ARLF’s Services;

ARLF being unable to offer you employment;

ARLF being unable to pay wages into your bank account; and

ARLF being unable to contact a family member, or emergency contact in the event of an emergency;

ARLF being unable to include you in networking activity and services including but not limited to the alumni online portal.

To the extent required by law, ARLF may disclose personal information of this kind to Outback Initiatives, Outward Bound Australia, Adventure Out and other organisations that provide services to us in connection with the Services including experiential education sessions, customer support, payment processing, administration, archival, data storage, hosting, mail and delivery, financial and legal advisory, banking, debt collection, security or technical services and the operation of our website; including but not limited to:

a) Juicebox Creative

b) Sqonk

c) Fuller

d) Garnish Garden

All personal and sensitive information is held by ARLF and its staff in accordance with our Privacy Policy which is available at The Privacy Policy includes information on how you may request access to and correction of your personal information or complain about a breach of the Australian Privacy Principles.

You may contact ARLF via the contact details outlined on the website:

1. Rationale

1.1 The Australian Rural Leadership Foundation (ARLF) is committed to ensuring the health and safety of its board members, Employees, Associates, Participants and Volunteers as well as the safety of Visitors, and Contractors.

1.2 This policy outlines the ARLF’s approach to minimising the risk of exposure to COVID-19 for all board members, Employees, Volunteers, Associates, Participants, Contractors and Visitors working at ARLF Workplaces.

1.3 This policy is subject to any Public Health Order which affects the ARLF and its activities and programs in Australia and overseas. If any State, Territory, Australian or foreign Government mandates that a workplace must close, that employees isolate at home, wear a mask or be vaccinated at work (Public Health Order) then such directives override this policy to the extent of any inconsistency.

1.4 All board members, employees, volunteers, participants, associates, contractors and visitors have a duty-of-care and responsibility to assess and mitigate risk of infection to themselves and to others, including keeping informed of current government jurisdictional mandates and medical advice.

1.5 The ARLF supports the use of vaccinations for COVID-19 to minimise the health and safety risk to individuals interacting with the ARLF. If an individual chooses not to receive a vaccination, they acknowledge that they may not be able to enter an ARLF workplace, or participate in the ARLF’s activities, and programs The ARLF acknowledges that there may be medical reasons why an individual may not be able to receive a COVID-19 vaccination, or choose not to in their circumstances, including protected attributes such as pregnancy or disability.

1.6 From time to time the ARLF interacts with people and communities with an elevated risk of being infected with COVID-19 such as, for example people with a reduced immune system, medical professionals, flight crew, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander individuals and communities. Individuals that this policy relates to have a duty to consider their personal health and wellbeing and the desires of others during the pandemic. The ARLF is mindful of taking steps to minimise the risk to vulnerable individuals.

1.7 Refer to the ARLF Emergency Management Procedure for COVID-19 safety guidelines for program planning, design and delivery, and each ARLF leadership program’s COVID Safe Plan and risk management plan.


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