ARLF Thanks to Tim and Gina Fairfax

Tim Fairfax AC and Gina Fairfax were guests of honour at a recent ARLF luncheon in Brisbane attended by five of the 13 recipients of a Tim Fairfax Family Foundation ARLP scholarship.

The luncheon, hosted by ARLF Chair Mike Carroll, provided an opportunity to thank Tim and Gina for their support and for alumni to speak on the impact of their philanthropy.

Tim was also presented with the Governor-General Medallion in recognition of his significant contribution to the ARLF during COVID. In making the award, Mike Carroll said it was also recognition of Tim’s long involvement with the ARLF as board member and Patron, and Tim and Gina’s significant philanthropic support.

The Fairfax family has been involved with the ARLF since its establishment almost 30 years ago in 1992, funding participants through the Vincent Fairfax Family Foundation and the Tim Fairfax Family Foundation. Tim served on the ARLF Board from 1998 to 2005, including six years as Deputy Chair. He was appointed as a Patron in 2017.

Guests at the luncheon included: Michelle Deshong (ARLP15), Tiani Cook (ARLP25), Jennifer Wainwright (ARLP21), Fiona Gaske (ARLP25), Kevin Mulvahil (ARLP19) and director, Margaux Beauchamp.

Those who were unable to attend sent messages of thanks, including Cathy Cummins, Manager, Waringarri Aboriginal Arts (ARLP20):

“My gratitude for the opportunity to participate in the Australian Rural Leadership Program is perhaps best stated by a colleague of mine who refers to the ARLP as the gift that keeps giving. It is such a special gift that the Tim Fairfax Family Foundation has given to many.”

Board member, Melissa Fletcher, generously provided the luncheon venue, Smoked Garage at Fortitude Valley, and catering as a gift-in-kind.

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