May Alumni Connect

Call out!!!  ARLF Fellows – we need for you an important phone call…. 

We are putting the call out for any ARLP Fellow’s interested in connecting with a current ARLP Course 30 participant after completion of their first session in late June. We are keen to connect current participants with ARLP alumni primarily to provide an opportunity to chat with someone who understands the intensity of the program experience. A chance to debrief with someone who has walked a similar journey. . 

The ask! You make one phone call (approx. 45 mins in length) to a current C30 participant between June 24 and July 16 at the latest.  

If this sounds like something you’re interested in, just send us an email to indicating your interest. 

Alumni gatherings in the West  

We hosted a couple of fabulous alumni gatherings in the west in April. We took advantage of Matt’s visit to WA as an opportunity to bring our Perth based alumni together, being keen to roll out as many regional events as we can.    

About 20 alumni gathered at the Shadow Wine Bar, Perth, on Monday 17 April.  Alumni from a variety of programs were represented including ARLP, Agribusiness, Milparanga and Drought Mentoring.  These events simply provide a chance for local alumni, across cohorts and programs, to meet face to face, and share the work and connect with staff from the Foundation too. There was certainly a buzz in the room I am told!   

Matt then continued onto Kununurra to meet up with ARLF Board Member Melissa Fletcher. Both were on route to Gooniyandi country (central Kimberley region of Western Australia) and you can read more about Matt’s pretty special visit in his column. So – with Matt and Melissa in Kununurra, we thought it another opportunity to connect with local alumni.   We had 4 alumni join the pair for a catch up and conversation around all thing’s leadership.  

Can I just say thank you to all of that who have attended our alumni events in the last few months! We know how refreshing face-to-face connection can be, and we love seeing so many of our alumni taking up the opportunity! 

Cuppa Tea’s, the ripple effect and courage    

We’ve connected with two ARLP cohorts this month, meeting via zoom for a cuppa and a chat at 3pm. Matt and Philippa met with Cohort 24 and Cohort 4 respectively, providing a chance for cohorts to connect with each other, as well as the Foundation. During May we have booked dates to connect with ARLP Cohorts 22, 8 and 6.  

For me, these conversations almost always showcase the ongoing ripple effect of our programs. Listening to alumni outlining what they are doing and how they are doing it, in many and varied ways (not to mention the amount of volunteer work undertaken) for the benefit of their communities, never ceases to amaze me.  

I am also struck by the use of the word ‘courage’ in so many of our zoom conversations, with alumni often talking through the times they’ve had to dig deep and be brave.  It’s a continual reminder  to me of how much courage and bravery are integral to being a good leader.         

The use of Zoom as an online platform to connect has sprouted many ideas about how we can broaden this use too, particularly amongst some of our shorter programs and connection more broadly across the network (not just within program cohorts).  Stay tuned for more details on this.  

Written by Julia Strang, Alumni Engagement Manager

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