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Margaux Beauchamp

Margaux Beauchamp

Margaux Beauchamp is a seasoned corporate, capital and value advisor with more than 30 years of experience. Her particular expertise is in advising on food and agribusiness divestments, acquisitions, IPOs, takeovers, and takeover defence mandates. Margaux leads BDO Brisbane’s Food and Agribusiness Sector Group.

Margaux is a non-executive director, CPC Group Holdings Pty Ltd, an Australian managed, UK owned Agrifood business that owns and operates a portfolio of 9 cattle stations and two feedlots in Indonesia; and Mulgowie Fresh Pty Ltd, a large Australian horticultural company with operations in South-East Queensland, North Queensland, Gippsland Victoria, and Northern New South Wales. She was raised on a cattle station in Far Western Queensland and maintains a private investment in the beef industry, spending considerable time each year in regional Australia.

Margaux holds a Bachelor of Agricultural Economics (Honours) from the University of New England and a Master of Commerce from the University of Queensland. She is a Member of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand.

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