Regenerate Regional Leadership Program

Regenerate was delivered to regions in NSW and the ACT impacted by the 2019-20 Black Summer bushfires, enabling locals to help revive and reinvigorate their communities.

The program consisted of residential workshops, Changemaker workshops, experiential learning, behavioural profiling, community initiatives, and exploration and systems thinking and analysis. 

Learn more about the program’s impact or download the comprehensive report.​


Map of NSW Australia

About the Regenerate program

The Regenerate Regional Leadership Program was delivered to bushfire impacted regions in NSW and the ACT. They targeted community and emergency stakeholders as well as not-for-profits and volunteers. The Regenerate programs were backed by funding and other partners who recognise the role of collective leadership in supporting resilient communities.

The key objectives were: 

Support recovery and resilience of communities impacted by the 2019-20 Black Summer bushfires
Build stronger communities by supporting social, economic and built environment recovery

The six Regenerate programs were aligned with the National Strategy for Disaster Resilience and its focus on achieving community resilience through collective or shared responsibility. As well, empowering individuals and communities to create action and change. They were backed by the Australian and NSW Government and other partners who recognise the role of collective leadership in supporting resilient communities.

Identify as First Nations
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Persons with disabilities, impairment or long-term impairment
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Communities taking action

Participants across the Regenerate programs collaborated in small groups to develop community leadership initiatives to benefit their bushfire impacted region.
  • Women to thrive – governance and boards and committee training

  • A forum to discuss pressing energy and telecommunication needs to then build a bank of funding ideas

  • Spaces and places project focused on homelessness

  • Eurobodalla Better Together inclusive consultation and engagement with persons with disabilities in the Eurobodalla region

  • Using 3D design software to provide visual displays and designs

  • Re-storying the Landscape First Nations and Second Nations people sharing knowledge and food to collaboratively heal Country, community and decolonise local food system

  • Eurobodalla Preparedness guide create a flyer that clearly communicates available support and emergency resources in the Shire

  • Addressing social anxiety and isolation with teens interviewing Elders on unique stories about local towns via podcast, leading to reconnection, regeneration, and revitalisation of communities

  • Finding a new home for the Shoalhaven Defence Families Association so it can continue to provide and expand on the valued support for members and the broader community

  • Providing advance and ongoing support for inmates as they transition to life in the community to reduce the chances of re-offending

  • Introducing First Nations cultural tours with Elders sharing knowledge with younger generations while also upskilling them in sailing skills and boosting their confidence to become leaders in their community

  • Taking emerging leaders into bushfire impacted environments and documenting the consequences of actions and decisions, and the lessons learned going forward

  • Growing the leadership network of emergency stakeholders beyond the current Regenerate cohort that would meet regularly, share advice and resources and support each other in protecting communities and the environment

Community recovery outcomes

The Regenerate Regional Leadership Program was a significant contributor to enhancing resilience and social cohesion in community by connecting, learning from one another, inviting disparate and previously heard absent voices into their group or collective.

They enabled confidence among participants in providing a more effective response to future challenges, and opportunities. It also provided significant opportunity for (post-traumatic) growth, healing and a renewed, stronger sense of community. More than 40% of all participants reported the Regenerate program boosted their leadership capabilities among other qualities, as demonstrated below:


The leadership network established through the programs positively impacted community resilience, with the vast majority of participants recognising an increase.


The vast majority of participants from all regions reported improved capacity to handle future natural disasters after completing the program.


Participants have taken on leadership roles to raise their organisation’s profile, expand outreach, and build capacity by connecting with other networks in the region.


Participants emphasised the importance of networks and alliances, stating that achieving community goals is easier and faster when working with like-minded individuals, but also the value of working with people from diverse backgrounds.


Participants formed strong relationships based on deep listening, respect, and affection, which contributed significantly to the overall impact of the program.


Participants in all regions developed strong conflict resolution skills during the program, which they were able to apply in their community post-program.


In-depth exploration of stories revealed themes such as the importance of self-care, respectful relationships, intergenerational connections, and recovery, adding depth to participants’ experiences.


The program had a life-changing impact on many participants, leading to job changes, volunteering in emergency services, increased invigoration, and confidence in various endeavours, with longterm benefits for their communities.

What should be the priorities for building the resilience of your community?

Resilient communities have individuals who rise up as leaders when they are needed. The Regenerate initiative has built capacity but also the projects that will happen as a result of Regenerate will reach other future leaders and build their capacity.

What should communities prioritise as a result of being involved in the program?

I believe that ongoing healing on country is central to the ongoing healing of community. The pragmatic and action tasks are being done however I see in my day to day work environment that resources are very limited when individuals need a safe space to share their grief or what is going on for them. There continues to be a sense of bewilderment and trauma as we lead into what was going to be a scorcher of a summer. The gentle rains have eased some anxiety but it only takes one hot day over 33 degrees and anxiety percolates up again. A priority is creating a safe space for individuals to come to and learn some basic tools to calm and feel a sense of belonging.

How do you see your community benefitting as a direct result of your participation in this Regenerate Leadership program?

Establishing such a [grassroots] model reduces reliance on funded programs that have limited resources, few staff and only focused on acute intervention, whether this be clinical or a softer approach. This Regenerate initiative cultivates strengths in individuals, it can/may encourage some individuals to share what they have learn, encouraging a more self-sustaining community - not reliant on councils, Health or community NFPs.

As a result of participating in this Regenerate initiative, what do you believe should be the priorities for building the resilience of your community?

Building relationships at critical levels within the community, to allow the best response in emergency situations. Documenting critical contact numbers or points of contact so that everyone up and down the chain of command can have confidence that they can gain control of the situation as fast as possible.

How do you see your community benefitting as a direct result of your action to address community resilience?

Better care for the land, better preparedness for fires, better ability to recover from fire.

Delivered in partnership

The Regenerate programs in the Capital and Eurobodalla regions focused on building strong relations between emergency first responders, government agencies and rural land carers to better respond to future disasters. They were funded by the Australian Government’s Black Summer Bushfire Recovery program.

The Regenerate Shoalhaven and Regenerate Bega Valley Regional Leadership Programs focused on building capacity of local not-for-profits and volunteers. They formed part of the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR)’s Investing in Rural Community Futures extension grants funded by the Australian Government, with the Leadership Program specifically funded by the Australian Government’s Black Summer Bushfire Recovery program.

The objectives of the Black Summer Bushfire Recovery grant were to:

i) support recovery and resilience of communities impacted by the 2019-20 bushfires, and

ii) build stronger communities by supporting social, economic and built environment recovery.

The intended outcomes of the grant were to:

  • empower local communities to address bushfire recovery priorities, including through creation of jobs, sustainable infrastructure and community investment targeted at the specific needs of the community, and
  • rebuild and grow the economy of the local communities impacted by the bushfires.


The New South Wales and Australian Governments jointly committed to supporting the recovery of bushfire impacted communities through a range of funding programs that support local and regional economic and social recovery. Projects were considered for funding through the Bushfire Local Economic Recovery fund, targeting short, medium and long-term recovery. Through this funding, along with support through Minderoo Foundation’s Fire and Flood Resilience Initiative and Global Giving, ARLF was awarded a grant to facilitate leadership to facilitate regional leadership programs in the Nambucca Valley and Snowy Valleys, building social capital through networks and leadership for the benefit of the community as a whole.

Delivered in partnership with

Heidi March, Phil Nicholas, Trish Walker

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Highly commended

The devastating Black Summer bushfires led to fatigue and a depletion of the resources and volunteers available to not-for-profits supporting the ongoing recovery on the NSW South Coast. However, the Regenerate Leadership Development Program in Bega Valley and Shoalhaven are helping to reverse that trend and foster cross-sector collaboration.

Regenerate was part of the Investing in Rural Community Futures program, delivered by the Australian Rural Leadership Foundation in partnership with the Foundation for Rural & Regional Renewal (FRRR), and in Bega, the local council. It was funded by the Australian Government’s Black Summer Bushfire Recovery grants program.

The aim was to develop stronger, high functioning and more resilient and viable regional not-for-profits, fulfilling their mission with greater impact. An outcome recognised by the State Government in awarding the Bega Valley program a Highly Commended in the NSW category of the 2024 Resilient Australia Awards.

Native seeds to revive bushfire impacted community

Get the impact report

Want to know more? Get access to our impact report about the Regenerate Regional Leadership Program.