65 projects funded thanks to Future Drought Fund

FRRR has awarded $3,733,324 to local organisations in 11 regions across Australia for 65 projects that will enhance the capacity and resilience of these agriculture-dependent communities in preparing for the impacts of future drought.

Funded through the Future Drought Fund’s Helping Regional Communities Prepare for Drought Initiative, this is the second tranche of funding delivered through the Initiative’s Community Impact Program. The first tranche was announced last month.

The Initiative is designed to support locally-led organisations across 35 remote, rural and regional regions, identified as vulnerable to the impacts of drought.

Thanks to the Community Impact Program, these organisations will work together to deliver a range of projects, events, initiatives, training, capability building and small-scale community infrastructure projects to assist local people prepare for future droughts.

As part of the Program, a facilitator has been employed in each region to support the lead community partner in engaging and communicating with key stakeholders, helping identify investments that are already happening locally and ensuring that the projects align with the community’s preparedness priorities.

Nina O’Brien, Disaster Resilience and Recovery Lead for FRRR, says that the Foundation is always impressed by the fortitude and adaptability of rural people and their willingness to learn and share innovative ways to build drought resilience.

“The collaborative nature of the Community Impact Program has been well received by local groups. They have really stepped up, coming together to shape local solutions to increase understanding and provide practical solutions to increasing drought preparedness that make sense at a local community level.

“With the Australian Government’s support, these grants will create opportunities for these agriculture-dependent communities to increase social connection, strengthen network opportunities and identify and adopt innovative and transformative ways to build drought resilience.

“We look forward to seeing the impacts of these projects, as they roll out over the next two years,” Ms O’Brien said.

As part of the program, each region can also access tailored Australian Rural Leadership Foundation (ARLF) leadership development activities.

ARLF Chief Executive, Matt Linnegar, says the leadership development supports the delivery of local projects and yields long-term benefits for the regions.

“We know that a multimodal approach of leadership development increases the impact the investments have in each region. In addition to the project funding, these leadership development activities build social capital required to support the project and people in each region. We get to connect local networks, create a deeper sense of shared purpose and develop capability that helps people to take action and address challenges and make the most of opportunities.”

Participants also gain access to the wider alumni network of the ARLF.

“It’s these connections that prove invaluable to people. When they’re stuck, there’s someone to ask for advice,” Mr Linnegar said.

A detailed list of grant recipients and their preparedness projects is below.

Other elements of the Future Drought Fund’s Helping Regional Communities Prepare for Drought Initiative are also underway, including a Mentoring program, being led by ARLF. Work is also underway on the design of the network to connect leaders working on these projects across the country and FRRR is finalising the appointment of an expertise panel, which the groups awarded funding can draw on, if they don’t have locally qualified people with the skills they need.

In addition, there will be small grants on offer in areas that aren’t covered by these Community Impact Program grants, which will open early next year.

New South Wales – Murray

Holbrook Landcare GroupCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 02
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Murray region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
Murray NSW Region$80,970
Holbrook Landcare GroupThe Holbrook Loooong Lunch for Community Resilience
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose, and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through the Holbrook Loooong Lunch drought preparedness Networking event.
Holbrook, Greater Hume Shire Council$23,821
Holbrook Landcare GroupHolbrook Drought Preparedness Community Planning Workshop
Build capability in community leaders, networks and organisations to undertake strategic drought resilience planning and future drought preparedness activities through hosting a facilitated workshop and networking dinner.
Holbrook and Culcairn, Greater Hume Shire Council$13,125
Corowa District LandcareCorowa Community Nursery
Build depth of social connection, awareness of and attitudes to drought preparedness at the community level by establishing a community volunteer plant propagation program which will distribute Indigenous plants to grow in the local community.
Federation Council, Berrigan Shire$30,920
Corowa District LandcareCultural Awareness Training and Cultural Tour
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through delivering on Country culture walks, cultural awareness workshops and information sharing drought preparedness events.
Federation Council$9,239
Yanco Creek and Tributaries Advisory Council (YACTAC)Chicks in the Sticks
Increase skills, knowledge and understanding of the risks posed by drought and climate change through field day events that focus on enabling women living in a geographically vast region to network, as well as building depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging.
Jerilderie, Murrumbidgee Council, Moulamein, Murray River Council$40,176
Rice Growers Association of AustraliaConnecting the Community to Connect to Country
Improve capability, coordination and collaboration between networks, other community organisations and sectors that can be drawn upon in future drought through establishing a Community of Practice that brings together service providers, community groups and businesses, as an avenue to collaborate, host training, share information and resources.
Deniliquin, Edward River Council$39,650
Western Murray Land Improvement GroupInland Delta – Connection to the Community
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through facilitating a community tour of a culturally significant local site, host tours of wetlands and showcase local industries, produce and art.
Murray River Council$50,806
Southern GrowersFinley Community BBQ Trailer
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through a fit-for-purpose barbeque trailer as a new mobile meeting place.
Berrigan Shire; Jerilderie, Murrumbidgee Council; Blighty, Edward River Council$32,000
West Hume LandcareWalla & Walbundrie Weeds Warriors & Cultural Sites Recognition Training
Build depth of social connection and increase skills, knowledge and understanding of the risks posed by drought and climate change through workshops that will share tools and techniques to address rapid weed escalation as well as First Nation Elders’ knowledge sharing on protecting cultural sites.
Greater Hume Shire Council$14,586
Riverine PlainsRiverine Plains Innovation Expo
Build depth of social connection and increase skills, knowledge and understanding of the risks posed by drought and climate change by delivering expo events, awareness and education activities.
Federation Council$16,000
Hay Trees on the Plains Landcare IncNari Nari Cultural Burn Workshop
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through delivering a cultural burn workshop, which will also enhance community and landowners’ awareness of First Nations cultural burn practices and share knowledge on enhancing native ground coverage for future drought preparedness.
Hay Shire$13,651

New South Wales – Central West

Northern Slopes Landcare Association IncorporatedCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 04
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Central West region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
North-West NSW Region$45,090
Northern Slopes Landcare Association IncorporatedGulf Creek Hall
Improve access and utilisation of community infrastructure by making minor repairs to the community managed Gulf Creek Hall, which will enhance the space and facilities for community groups to gather, function and support their local community in times of drought.
Gulf Creek, Gwydir Shire$10,000
Northern Slopes Landcare Association IncorporatedTLC Nursery Project
Build awareness of and attitudes to drought preparedness at the community level by re-establishing a community nursery in Bingara, creating a space for people to come together, share knowledge and learn plant propagation skills through workshops.
Gwydir Shire$24,963
Country Women’s Association of NSWNorth Star CWA Hall Project
Improve access and greater utilisation of community infrastructure, enhancing the space and facilities for community groups to gather, function and support their local community in times of drought by enhancing disability and mobility access through installing a ramp entryway to the community managed North Star CWA Hall rooms.
Gwydir Shire$10,000
Tamworth Regional Landcare AssociationTamworth Pride
Enable capacity building activities where local people and communities have opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge to face the unique challenges caused by drought in remote, rural and regional Australia, and awareness through workshops, field day events and mental health first aid training that specifically cater to the needs of LGBTQIA+ individuals and their allies.
Tamworth Region$26,240
Tamworth Regional Landcare AssociationIntrepid Landcare Tamworth
Enable capacity building activities where local people and communities have opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge to face the unique challenges caused by drought in remote, rural and regional Australia through establishing an Intrepid Landcare group which will provide an avenue for youth.
Tamworth Region$36,996
Northern Slopes Landcare Association IncorporatedLadies’ Horsemanship Weekend
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through hosting a drought preparedness event with a guest speaker and dinner.
Gunnedah Shire$4,200
Wee Waa Local Aboriginal Land CouncilCulturally Significant Drought Resilience
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through delivering events that promote culturally significant drought resilience techniques such as cultural burn workshops, as well as hosting formal training and informal activities through Caring for Country drop-in sessions.
Gwydir Shire$61,960
Rotary Club of GunnedahHealth and Wellbeing
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through expanding on the long-running Gunnedah Gallop community fitness run, delivering drought preparedness-focused positive mental and physical health and wellbeing activities.
North-West NSW Region$6,000
Northern Slopes Landcare Association IncorporatedWomen’s and Men’s Catch Ups
Improve capability, coordination and collaboration between networks, other community organisations and sectors that can be drawn upon in times of drought through women’s and men’s events increasing awareness of and familiarity with local services.
Northern Slopes Landcare Association IncorporatedNorthwest Rural Leaders and Support Services Network
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought and improve capability, coordination and collaboration between networks, other community organisations and sectors, through the establishment of the Northwest Rural Leaders and Support Services Network and relevant resources.
Moree Plains Shire$8,579
Northern Slopes Landcare Association IncorporatedMoree Women on Country
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through on Country workshops, which will provide opportunities to share cultural knowledge and drought preparedness information.
Gunnedah Shire$12,617
Tamworth Regional Landcare AssociationUpper Namoi Water in the Landscape Initiative Field Days
Build depth of social connection and capability in community leaders, networks and organisations to undertake strategic drought resilience planning and future drought preparedness activities through hosting field days in Wallabadah and Duri, which will showcase innovative and transformative on-farm practices to reduce the impacts of drought.
Gwydir Shire$8,790

Queensland – Central West

Central Western QLD Remote Area Planning and Development BoardCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 06
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Central West region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
Queensland Central West Region$31,111
Western Queensland Drought CommitteeWQDC Legacy & Future – Settling the Dust
Build capability in community leaders, networks and organisations to undertake strategic drought resilience planning and future drought preparedness activities and build organisational networks across the region through a mobile drought information hub offering community-based resources.
Barcaldine, Barcoo, Blackall, Tambo, Boulia, Diamantina, Longreach, Winton$252,076
Central Western QLD Remote Area Planning and Development BoardWoven Stories
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through local arts-led events.
Barcaldine, Barcoo, Blackall, Tambo, Boulia, Diamantina, Longreach, Winton$123,123

Western Australia – Gascoyne

Gascoyne Catchments Group IncCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 16
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Gascoyne region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
Gascoyne Region$35,000
Gascoyne Catchments Group IncConnection Across the Gascoyne
Build depth of social connection and increase skills, knowledge and understanding of the risks posed by drought and climate change through workshops that share drought resilience approaches to land practices and wellbeing.
Carnarvon, Exmouth, and Upper Gascoyne$205,000
Carnarvon School of the Air P&CSocial Connection for Young Children and Their Parents
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through strengthening a network of remote children and families.

Western Australia – Wheatbelt Central East

Wheatbelt Natural Resource Management IncorporatedCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 17
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Wheatbelt Central East region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
Wheatbelt Central East Region$49,839
North Eastern Wheatbelt Travel AssociationEvents Officer
Build capability, coordination and collaboration between networks, other community organisations and sectors in the local community that can be drawn upon in future drought through volunteer organisation capability building,
Dowerin, Koorda, Mount Marshall, Mukinbudin, Nungarin, Trayning, Westonia, Wyalkatchem$63,554
Town Team MovementWheatbelt Rising
Deliver capacity building activities where local people and communities have opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge to face the unique challenges caused by drought in remote, rural and regional Australia through establishing a Town Teams in the Wheatbelt to undertake training, develop resources and host activities.
Bruce Rock, Dowerin, Kellerberrin, Koorda, Mount Marshall, Merredin, Mukinbudin, Nungarin, Tammin, Trayning, Westonia, Wyalkatchem, Yilgarn$63,500
Wheatbelt Beyond Youth MentoringWheatbelt Beyond Youth Mentoring
Enable capacity building activities where local people and communities have opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge to face the unique challenges caused by drought in remote, rural and regional Australia through a youth mentoring program that strengthens social support systems, mitigates impacts of social and physical isolation, and boosts educational and wellbeing outcomes.
Kellerberrin, Mukinbudin, Narembeen$96,250
Merredin and Districts Farm Improvement GroupAgribusiness Network
Build capacity of local people and communities to develop the skills and knowledge to face the unique challenges caused by drought in remote, rural and regional Australia through establishing an Agribusiness and Mentoring Program which will foster a collective knowledge base, strengthen local networks and provide opportunities to learn and share through events.
Merredin, Nungarin$32,000
Meridian Regional Arts IncorporatedMeridian Regional Arts
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through delivering workshops, wellbeing and social support.
Mount Marshall, Mukinbudin, Nungarin, Trayning$85,564

Western Australia – Wheatbelt South

Corrigin Farm Improvement GroupCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 18
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Wheatbelt South region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
Wheatbelt South Region$73,687
Shire of West ArthurEconomic / Business Diversification
Improve capability, coordination and collaboration between networks, other community organisations and sectors that can be drawn upon in future drought through networking sessions, information, events and through the increase in the utilisation of community infrastructure.
Darkan, Bruce Rock$106,437
Lake Grace Community Resource CentreYouth Events and Network
Build capability in community leaders, networks and organisations to undertake strategic drought resilience planning and future drought preparedness activities through the establishment of an informal youth network, activities and events, which will build capabilities of future leaders.
Darkan, Corrigin, Lake Grace, Pingelly$52,277
Corrigin Farm Improvement GroupNext Generation Volunteers
Support capacity building activities where local people and communities have opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge to face the unique challenges caused by drought in remote, rural and regional Australia through delivering leadership workshops and volunteering opportunities for emerging leaders.
Wheatbelt South Region$122,239

Western Australia – Mid West

Northern Agricultural Catchments Council IncorporatedCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 20
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Mid-West region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
Mid-West Region$95,296
Northern Agricultural Catchments Council IncorporatedMaintaining Community Capacity
Improve capability, coordination and collaboration between networks, other community organisations and sectors that can be drawn upon in future drought through training to build capacity and leadership of local volunteer organisations.
Yuna, Morowa, Mingenew, Murchison, Wiluna$149,857
Southern Rangelands Pastoral AllianceSupport to Capture Peer-to-Peer Learning
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought; through facilitation of peer-to-peer knowledge sharing through podcasts and virtual field days.
Murchison, Wiluna$40,470
Midwest Food Industry AllianceHealthy Lifestyles Community Events
Increase skills, knowledge and understanding of the risks posed by drought and climate change through community events focused on locally based food production and adaptive solutions to food consumption.
Yalgoo, Murchison, Wiluna, Chapman Valley, Northampton, Mingenew$63,000

South Australia – Murraylands and Riverland

Regional Development Australia Murraylands and Riverland IncorporatedCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 25
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Murraylands and Riverland region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
Murraylands and Riverland Region$69,000
Ngarrindjeri Empowered CommunitiesMardawi Community Project
Build depth of social connection between Ngarrindjeri women, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through Elders sharing knowledge and skills of cultural practices, providing opportunities to build social and economic resilience.
Coorong, Murray Bridge, Southern Mallee$48,655
Our Town BerriRiver Families First
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through the establishment of a peer network to empower young parents.
Berri, Berri Barmera$85,000
Loxton Chamber of CommerceCollective Business in Loxton
Enable capacity building activities where local people and communities have opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge to face the unique challenges caused by drought in remote, rural and regional Australia, through workshops, initiatives and resource development that supports community based, collective economic diversification.
Karoonda East Murray, Loxton Waikerie, Mid Murray$88,000
Mallee Sustainable FarmersRisky Business – Sustainable Mallee Farming
Build capability, coordination, information sharing and collaboration between professional, social or community networks, other community organisations and sectors in local communities that can be drawn upon in future drought through the purchase of a barbeque trailer and delivery of farm expos.
Karoonda East Murray, Mid Murray, Murray Bridge, Southern Mallee$73,000

South Australia – Limestone Coast

Limestone Coast Food & Agribusiness Cluster LtdCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 26
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Limestone Coast region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
Limestone Coast Region$51,000
Mackillop Farm Management GroupSkill Up: Helping Community Organisations Govern
Improve capability, coordination and collaboration between networks, other community organisations and sectors that can be drawn upon in future drought through the delivery of governance workshops.
Grant, Kingston, Mt Gambier, Naracoorte-Lucindale, Robe, Tatiara, Wattle Range$75,000
Limestone Coast Food & Agribusiness Cluster Ltd35 Under 35
Build capability in community leaders, networks and organisations to undertake strategic drought resilience planning and future drought preparedness activities through a program for youth that supports upskilling, networking and mentoring activities.
Grant, Kingston, Mt Gambier, Naracoorte-Lucindale, Robe, Tatiara, Wattle Range$147,550
Limestone Coast Landscape BoardWalking the Seasons
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through tailoring bi-monthly art workshops run by the Burrandies and Ngarrindjeri Aboriginal Corporations.
Coorong, Grant, Kingston, Mt Gambier, Naracoorte-Lucindale, Robe, Tatiara, Wattle Range$39,823
WOTLBuilding Rural Women’s Connection and Capacity for Drought Preparation
Improve capability, coordination and collaboration between networks, other community organisations and sectors that can be drawn upon in future drought through a capacity-building program for women in two locations.
Keith, Millicent$47,000
Australian Migrant Resource Centre IncorporatedMigrant Integration and Volunteering for Impact Exchange
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through engaging recent migrants in the local community and agricultural industry.
Bordertown, Naracoorte, Mt Gambier$49,000

Victoria – East Gippsland

Gippsland Agricultural GroupCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 30
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the East Gippsland region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
East Gippsland Region$54,768
Gippsland Agricultural GroupDrought Preparedness Decision Making Trigger Plans
Build depth of social connection and capability in community leaders, networks and organisations to undertake strategic drought resilience planning and future drought preparedness activities through training and community planning sessions.
East Gippsland$130,200
Southern Farming SystemsDrought Preparedness Skills Workshops
Build depth of social connection and capability in community leaders, networks and organisations to undertake strategic drought resilience planning and future drought preparedness activities through a series of workshops focused on drought preparedness at a community level.
East Gippsland$42,300

Victoria – Goulburn

Riverine Plains IncorporatedCommunity Partner Lead Organisation (CPLO): Region 31
Strengthen drought preparedness and drive local action in the Goulburn region through the coordination of Community Impact Program activities and evaluation administration.
Goulburn Region$69,887
Many Mobs Indigenous CorporationYarrawonga Indigenous Festival
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought at the community level through a cultural festival to revive the town as a traditional meeting place for Indigenous and non-Indigenous peoples
Moira Shire$45,100
Gecko CLaNSchools Program: What Happens in Drought?
Increase skills, knowledge and understanding of the risks posed by drought and climate change through a pilot education program for secondary school students on the impacts of drought and family mental health.
Benalla, Moira, Strathbogie$65,600
Riverine Plains IncLadies’ Luncheon
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through hosting Ladies’ Lunches in 2023 and 2024 that align with International Rural Women’s Day, reducing social isolation and building local networks and social supports for women in this remote region.
Riverine Plains IncYouth in Ag
Build depth of social connection, a shared sense of purpose and longer-term community belonging that can be drawn upon in future drought through the facilitation of two mentoring and networking events for youth in the region and two ‘Youth in AG’ dinner events.
Hughes Creek Catchment Collaborative (Landcare Victoria Inc)Citizen Science
Build depth of social connection and enable capacity building activities where local people and communities have opportunities to develop the skills and knowledge to face the unique challenges caused by drought in remote, rural and regional Australia, through coordination of citizen science programs.
Murrindindi, Strathbogie$22,140
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