Mentor Jeff hopes to give back

Meet Jeff, mentor in the Drought Resilience Leaders Mentoring Program.

What do you do for a living?

I’m the operations manager for Thomas Foods International Feedlot at Tintinara in South Australia. I lead a team of 25 dedicated staff in the day-to-day activities of a busy 17,00 head feedlot business that’s expanding to 30,000 head.

Why did you apply to become a mentor?

I’m currently in the final months of completing the Australian Rural Leadership Program. I feel this is a prime opportunity for me to give back and use some of what I’ve learnt on my ARLP journey.

How will you support your mentee?

I’ve picked up a broad range of experience throughout 17 years in intensive agriculture. I hope to be a strong and grounding sounding board for my mentees – and also learn from them in their experience.

Have you had a mentor before? Was it a positive experience?

Yes, 100%. I’ve been fortunate to have strong mentors throughout my career that I’ve worked with and forged relationships with. I hope in turn to pass on some of my learnings and learn from others as well.

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