In our 30th year, we are excited to announce participants selected for the 30th Course of the ARLP to commence on 6 June. Congratulations to the 30 changemakers selected and listed below.
A combination of natural disasters, the pandemic and social, economic and environmental impacts has influenced the direction of leadership in rural, regional and remote Australia. A shift from positional to collaborative. And more leaders within our regions, communities, and industries, stepping up to take on such challenges.
The Australian Rural Leadership Foundation has been at the forefront of this shift, delivering over 126 programs to more than 2500 graduates across rural, remote and regional Australia over 30 years. Many as graduates of the iconic Australian Rural Leadership Program (ARLP).
The experiential learning approach through the course has, in the words of participants, been transformational and life changing. The skills, mindset, confidence and connections from the experience has seen participants go on to lead in our regions, even alter the political landscape at a national level with the rise of the Independents.
Enter 30 more leaders and driven changemakers who are about to embark on the 30th course of the ARLP, in the ARLF’s 30th year. With a rich mix of backgrounds in sustainability and innovation, agriculture supply chains, biological technologies for ag, rail, workforce and training, education, mental health, animal health, indigenous issues, along with seafood, fisheries, poultry, dairy, red meat and wool operations.
This diversity reinforces the ARLP’s reputation as the most in-depth, cross-sectoral, national leadership program for rural, regional and remote Australians. Over 15 months, these leaders will embark on the most unique learning experience involving multiple sessions including four immersive across the country and internationally.
They’ll form a valuable and broad resource of expertise with an enormous capacity to lead, inspire and create change, And they’ll be adept at mobilising their networks and communities of influence to address issues and seize opportunities. We can only begin to imagine the impact this cohort will have when they graduate.
And the cohort after, in which you could be a participant with applications now open for course 31. To find out more, and how to apply, visit. You can also join the upcoming applicant webinar to learn more about the program, the commitment involved, hear from alumni and ask questions.
If you know of someone who would benefit, let us know – someone from our team will reach out. You can email or call 02 6281 0680.
And help share this opportunity with your networks:
- Facebook @australianruralleadershipfoundation
- Twitter @arlfnews
- Instagram @ruralleaders_au
- LinkedIn – Australian Rural Leadership Foundation
In the meantime, stay tuned to hear more about the leadership experience of the C30 cohort – get ready to be inspired!
Introducing Australian Rural Leadership Program Course 30 participants: