Welcome to our new alumni engagement manager

Please join us in welcoming Julia Strang as our new Alumni Engagement Manager.  

Julia has been working for the Foundation since August 2021, supporting the Drought Resilience Leaders Mentoring Team with stakeholder engagement and recruitment.  

She has a background in the not-for-profit sector in communications and marketing roles and is a professional photographer running a small family business.  

Most importantly though, she has a much closer connection and awareness of the Foundation’s work. 

‘I’m married to an ARLP alumnus, so I have known of the ARLF’s work for many years.’ 

Of her alumnus husband she says he definitely needs managing, just as much as her three kids, rabbits, two dogs and a dam full of turtles that she regularly rescues from becoming roadside casualties. 

With her fun and engaging personality, Julia says she is thrilled to start working closely with alumni from across all programs. 

‘I enjoy building relationships and find our alumni the most dynamic and amazing group of people. 

‘So if you are an alumni and you have any thoughts, ideas, comments, or just want to reconnect with us and have a chat- please reach out.’ 

Julia takes over from Annette McCartney who carried out alumni engagement in addition to her usual role as our Governance Manager. 

Partnerships Director Philippa Woodhill says our ability to connect with and engage our alumni is more important in our 30th year. 

‘With the growing demands of a growing organisation and an alumni network that will expand exponentially over the coming two years, we have been reminded that we needed to invest in a standalone role to facilitate one of our most important assets – our alumni. 

‘Compared to 30 years ago, even 10 years ago, we find ourselves in a hyperconnected world with communities for every cause and interest.  

‘I’m excited to see our alumni network reconnect and explore what this may look like in the increasingly digital and also post-pandemic world.’ 

Connect with Julia via email or phone 0450 357 169 

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